JIVE Platform
Release 0.2.2

Package edu.buffalo.cse.jive.sequence

Sequence model used to represent program execution history.


Interface Summary
EventOccurrence An occurrence of a method call, variable assignment, or any other event of interest within a program execution history.
ExecutionOccurrence A portion of execution within a program execution history consisting of an environment in which events occur.
ExecutionOccurrence.Exporter A reverse-builder for execution occurrences.
ExecutionOccurrence.Importer A builder for execution occurrences.
Message A Message defines a particular communication between lifelines (or contexts).
MessageReceive An EventOccurrence that results in the termination of a Message.
MessageSend An EventOccurrence that results in the creation of a Message.
MultiThreadedSequenceModel A SequenceModel used to represent a program execution history of a multi-threaded program.
SequenceModel A representation of a program execution history.
SequenceModel.EventVisitor A visitor for the sequence model that visits EventOccurrences in the order in which they occurred within the program execution.
SequenceModel.ExecutionVisitor A visitor for the sequence model that visits ExecutionOccurrences in the order in which they occurred within the program execution.
SequenceModel.Listener A listener interface for the SequenceModel.

Enum Summary
Message.MessageKind The kind of message as defined by the UML specification.
Message.MessageSort The sort of message as defined by the UML specification.

Package edu.buffalo.cse.jive.sequence Description

Sequence model used to represent program execution history. The following diagram illustrates the interface relationships:

JIVE Platform
Release 0.2.2