JIVE Platform
Release 0.2.2

Package edu.buffalo.cse.jive.sequence.java

Java-specific sequence model elements.


Interface Summary
FilteredMethodActivation A JavaExecutionActivation representing the execution of a method that eventually resulted in a MethodActivation, but itself has neither an identifier nor a context.
FilteredMethodActivation.Exporter A reverse-builder for filtered method activations.
FilteredMethodActivation.Importer A builder for filtered method activations.
JavaExecutionActivation An ExecutionOccurrence particular to Java programs, such as thread and method activations.
JavaExecutionActivation.Visitor A visitor for a JavaExecutionActivation.
MethodActivation A JavaExecutionActivation representing the execution of a method.
MethodActivation.Exporter A reverse-builder for method activations.
MethodActivation.Importer A builder for method activations.
ThreadActivation A JavaExecutionActivation representing the execution of a thread.
ThreadActivation.Exporter A reverse-builder for thread activations.
ThreadActivation.Importer A builder for thread activations.

Package edu.buffalo.cse.jive.sequence.java Description

Java-specific sequence model elements.

JIVE Platform
Release 0.2.2